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Italy is a member country of Mission Innovation, a global multilateral cooperation initiative born in Paris in 2015 whose primary purpose is to accelerate the innovation processes of clean technologies, both in the public and private sectors, through the commitment of member countries to double the public share of investments dedicated to research, development and innovation activities of decarbonization technologies in order to make clean energy accessible to consumers and to create green jobs and business opportunities.


Hydrogen Valley

First edition of the Hydrogen Summer School

The first edition of the Hydrogen Summer School organized by ENEA in collaboration with the University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Department of Chemical...

Smart Grid

ENEA presenta i progetti MISSION INNOVATION

ENEA presenta i progetti MISSION INNOVATION alla conferenza in Giappone su tecnologie per neutralità carbonica. I due progetti in corso di realizzazione nell’ambito dell’Accordo di...

Materials for Energy

Progetto COST CA22123 – European Materials Acceleration Center for Energy (EU-MACE)

https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22123 La piattaforma IEMAP è una piattaforma di riferimento per il network europeo di laboratori e infrastrutture MAP (Materials Acceleration Platform) dedicate alla progettazione di...