Workshop on Digitalization and Automation Boost Energy Materials Research


24-25 January 2024 – Rome, Italy

The EERA JP AMPEA (link:  and Digitalization for Energy ( join forces with the COST-Action EU-MACE (European Materials Acceleration Center for Energy) to hold their first joint workshop on “Digitalization and Automation boost Energy Materials Research.”

The two-day workshop, taking place on 24 and 25 January 2024 in Rome, Italy, is dedicated to showcasing the latest numerical tools, methodologies, and applications that are revolutionizing the way we design, analyze, and develop advanced energy materials.

It will be a platform for experts, researchers, and innovators from diverse backgrounds to converge and share their insights into the latest and future autonomous materials acceleration platforms.

Academic and industry researchers are invited to present the state-of-the-art progress in digital and automation methodologies for materials research, without delving excessively into technical details while demonstrating their relevance to addressing the broader, overarching challenges encountered by the community.

Discover the full workshop programme here.

Download the workshop book of abstract here.