The main expected results of the project are listed below:
Smart Energy Microgrid realized at the C.R. ENEA of Portici:
- construction of new energy infrastructures (electrical and thermal networks) serving the Smart Microgrid Energy demonstrator;
- implementation of interventions upgrading the experimental nanogrids and the pre-existing energy networks in the CR ENEA of Portici in a perspective of integration into Smart Microgrid Energy;
- design of the control, monitoring, diagnosis and communication infrastructure of the Smart Microgrid Energy;
- design of the management and control systems Smart Management System Control (SMSC) of the networks and experimental areas integrated into the Smart Microgrid Energy;
- realization and functional testing of the Smart Microgrid Energy and study and testing of the interoperability between the pre-existing experimental networks (electrical and thermal nanogrids already installed at ENEA) and the Smart Energy Microgrid Platform (SEMP);
- analyze and testing the interoperability between the new energy infrastructures of the ENEA demonstrator and the SEMP Platform () developed by CNR;
- design of a new control architecture of the ENEA Smart Microgrid Energy aimed at defining the advanced SEMP platform;
- design of the SEMP platform to optimize the energy services for the Smart Energy Microgrid;
- operational results of the experimental campaigns on the Smart Energy Microgrid and on the SEMP platform.
Demonstrator at the C.R. RSE of Milan and Piacenza
- implementation and testing of the extension of the multi-energy RSE test facility;
- design of a measurement and protection system for the MV / LV demonstrator and integration of the hybrid AC / DC network;
- microgrid design for the Piacenza Energy Community;
- preparation of the demonstrator for the validation of the measurement infrastructures for the observability and protection of the network;
- design and purchase of components for the local 5G network to serve the multi-energy test facilities of RSE;
- design, implementation and testing of the Cybersecurity In the Loop CIL demonstrator and acquisition of the related hardware / software components;
- operational results of the experimental campaigns on the extension of the multi-energy test facility on the local 5G network serving the multi-energy test facilities of RSE;
- operational results of the experimental campaigns on the Cybersecurity in the Loop CIL demonstrator.
Furthermore, technical reports describing the research and experimentation activities carried out and the main results achieved will be reported, as well as publications in scientific and popular journals and at national and international specific sector conferences.