First edition of the Hydrogen Summer School

Hydrogen SummerSchool

The first edition of the Hydrogen Summer School organized by ENEA in collaboration with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering and AIDIC (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering) at the Casaccia Research Center (Rome), has been concluded on Friday 23 September 2022.  

During the school, the speakers from the academic and industrial sectors presented several lectures covering different aspects related to the hydrogen supply chain, from production to transport and use. Classroom lessons alternated with visits to laboratories and working groups where students discussed on different hydrogen topics. 

Fifty students and young professionals from national and foreign companies had the opportunity to deal with over twenty experts and researchers from academia, research and industry. 

Aim of the school was to offer a wide and complete vision of the hydrogen supply chain, analyzing opportunities, potentials and criticalities, as well as the role of hydrogen as an energy vector enabling factor for decarbonisation and energy transition 

To speed up hydrogen penetration in the market, in addition to research, innovation, demonstration and technology transfer, it is necessary to promote the “culture” of hydrogen through knowledge and social acceptability. 

The course ended with a test drive on board a Toyota “Mirai” (“future” in Japanese), one of the very first hydrogen-powered fuel cell cars on the market. The test was open to all participants  

The received feedback by students and by speakers is positive. A second edition of the H2 Summer School has been planned for the next spring.