Video IEMAP Training Course


How, where and why to get involved with IEMAP services and infrastructures

October 2nd

Session 1 video
09.30        Welcome, ENEA, M. Celino
09.45        IEMAP platform. IEMAP – Front-end walkthrough and REST API, ENEA, S. Ferlito
10.15        Materials for PV. Design and simulation of InGaP 1J Solar Cell growth integrated on Silicon Substrate and its characterization. Application development for Estimating PV Material Parameters, RSE, G. Abagnale
10.45        Materials for PV. Laboratori CNR-IMM per la caratterizzazione ottica e strutturale di materiali in architetture di celle solari a Perovskite per dispositivi a tre terminali, CNR, A. Alberti
11.15        Break

Session 2 video                      
11.45        Materials for PV. Numerical Modeling of PV-based Energy Systems, CNR, M. Palermo
12.15        Materials for PV. Fully integrated systems PV-supercapacitors: challenges and opportunities, CNR, N. Sangiorgi
12.45        Materials for batteries. Hightroughput hydrogen technologies in IEMAP, ENEA, N. Lisi
13.15        Lunch

Session 3 video 
14.15        Materials for batteries. Valorizing complex matrices: a focus on energy storage system materials from the IEMAP project, ENEA, F Forte
14.45        Materials for batteries. Recovery and reuse of secondary raw materials from discarded PV panels, ENEA, L. Protopapa
15.15        Materials for batteries. Innovative, eco-sustainable, automatable route for synthesising ionic liquids to be tailored for lithium-sodium batteries, ENEA, G. Appetecchi
15.45        Break
16.15        IEMAP platform. Enhancing IEMAP with Semantic Search Capabilities for Files and Metadata Retrieval, ENEA, S. Ferlito                  

October 2nd

Session 4 video
09.30    Welcome, ENEA, S Giusepponi
09.45    IEMAP platform. From Deep Learning to Graph Neural Networks, ENEA, S. D’Onofrio
10.15    IEMAP platform. The Challenge of Materials Discovery for Electrochemical Energy Storage: An Ab Initio Computational Approach, ENEA, F. Buonocore
10.45    IEMAP platform. Overview and application of the GeoCGNN neural network on batteries. ENEA, M.Catillo
11.15    Break

Session 5 video                                        

11.45    IEMAP platform. InAs Quantum Dots for Future Infrared Technologies, IIT, L. De Trizio
12.15    IEMAP platform. Accelerate epitaxial nanomaterials discovery with the open-source package Ogre, IIT, S. Toso
12.45    IEMAP platform. Unlocking the Potential of Quantum Dots Through Computational Science, IIT, J. Zito
13.15    Lunch

Session 6 video                                        

14.15    IEMAP platform. Semiconductors and quantum dots discovery: unlocking the power of big data and AI, IIT, G. Saleh
14.45    Materials for Electrolyzers. Metodologie per elettrocatalizzatori in Mission Innovation, CNR, C Aliotta, F Deganello, L. F. Liotta
15.15    Materials for Electrolyzers.  Synthesis and characterization of anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for water electrolyzers. ENEA                 S. Rakhshani
15.45    Break
16.15    Materials for PV. Design and preparation of organic photosensitizers for DSSC and energy storage devices. CNR, G. Reginato
16.45    Materials for PV. Perovskite solar cells: materials, devices, methods, ENEA, L. V. Mercaldo


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